Monday, April 2, 2012


         If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," 
                                                                                           that would suffice.           
                                                                                                                    ~Meister Eckhart


When our children are young we take time to teach them to say "thank you". Even if it is that homemade knitted sweater from Aunt Mona that they wouldn'tbecaughtdeadwearing.
They say thank you because it isn't about some lumpy bumpy sweater that the cat will find delightful in its basket. The thank you is for the love...the effort...the hours spent...the smile on Auntie's face when the receiver of her handiwork finds something...anything to compliment about the gift.

                                 "Fuchsia and Turquoise...the colors are just so beautiful and bright, Aunt Mona!"

And as they leave...hugs all around...the kids are smiling...Auntie is smiling...and when the sweater lines the cat's basket...well...the cat will probably be smiling, too.  Cat's aren't nearly as fashion conscious as 12 year olds. life gets more complex...gratitude...for many is tossed by the wayside...much like the fuchsia and turquoise sweater.  

Gratitude replace by grumbles. 

And make no mistake about it...we know how to grumble...only too well. The steak isn't done enough...the coffee is is too hot or too cold...we are too fat or too thin...and we never have enough...enough love...enough attention...enough money...enough time...and the list goes on forever. 

Today...let's try to refocus.


Instead of honing in on our self-perceived failures...disappointments...losses...take the time to reflect on all the things that we truly have to be grateful about

Picture a large pink translucent bubble. 

Perhaps we begin with our families, our children, our friends & the people we love, our health, our furry or scaly or finned friends, a roof over our head, the food in the pantry,  and our bubble of gratitude expands...expands to envelop the waitress that served our morning coffee...the lady that cuts our hair...the guy that delivers the mail.

Now imagine that the pink bubble's capacity to expand is infinite. 

That, with a little imagination, reflection and effort we can be grateful for
everything...and share that gratitude...that warm feeling...a smile with every living being we encounter. 

That is easy to say...but what about the difficult people? Those who just rub us the wrong way...or have betrayed us...or injured us...or we just plain don't like? 

Even they deserve our gratitude. Even if it is only for the lesson learned. Perhaps they need our love and light even more. Like Aunt Mona's sweater.  

Practice with your pink bubble today...