Sunday, April 15, 2012
Karma...many meanings to many people. In the Hindu and Yogic belief system karma is accumulated through various incarnations and may or may not occur at any time. A series of complex punishments/rewards system. Often the notion of karma is used as a self-satisfying judgment. Karma is a bitch or karma will get him/her. As momentarily satisfying as the thought may be- this is not dharma.
In Zen Buddhism dharma is basically cause and effect. Karma itself is neutral...neither good or bad. It simply is. Nothing mystical. Nothing personal. Not something we can wish on others. We are only responsible for our own. Like everything else in life- karma is just another tool for learning.
We leave our car unlocked in a large city.
We come back and our personal items have been stolen.
(...this is our dharma...)
and maybe we have learned to lock our doors. (this is our lesson)
The thief may later be arrested as stealing is a crime.
(...that would be his/her dharma...)
and perhaps it will teach him/her not to steal. (this is his/her lesson)
Do all thieves get caught? No.
But it is not of our concern. Our lesson is locking the doors. Any thoughts on the subject further than our lesson is just another attempt to micro-manage the world...which is impossible.
Not say...
Remember...FAIR is a place to get elephant ears, taffy apples and cotton candy.
Fair is rarely synonymous with reality. If we stop looking for fair...we will be much happier in life.
Embrace dharma...and be grateful for the life-lessons it gives us.