Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Buddha shares a sutta of a man who came demanding happiness.
"I Want Happiness" he said loudly. His demeanor anything but happy.
Still The Buddha replied, "Follow me."
First, instructed The Buddha...you must drop the "I"...because that is ego.
Next...you must drop the "Want" as that is attachment and desire.
Then you will find that all you have left is Happiness.
Yes...hard as it is to believe...at this very moment we have everything we will ever need or want to be happy.
It is the "being happy" that we need to practice.
Learn to turn off life's incessant wants.
Learn to look for the little things in life...for they are the big things.
Learn that everything and everyone is impermanent.
Learn that all we have at any given moment is the moment itself.
Smile...and give one to others if their's is missing.
Give and Receive Love.
Don't try to be a perfect copy of someone else...be yourself.
Stop comparing yourself to others. It serves no purpose.
Practice compassion...for others and yourself.
Be Happy!