Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blooming (wherever) we are PLANTED

Life is a lot like a Garden. For many- life started in an amazing garden...with us as the caretakers. Some believe in the Big Bang and primordial soup tinged with blue-green algae...others believe a little of both or have entirely different outlooks all together. It is okay. We have many Paths. In the big Picture we are all ONE.

Whether this is your theological mindset or not- Life is a lot like a garden...and people are often a great deal like plants. Some transplant (or adapt to change) more readily than others. Some put down deep roots. Others shallow ones content to be moved from garden to garden. Some thrive in the shade and wilt in the sun. Some stretch far above like a sunflower...making us smile as we pass. Some are like bulbs...unremarkable on the outside but beautiful within.  Others more like Sumac or Poison Ivy...beautiful and scarlet in the fall...delightful to look at...but watch out! Still others are roses.

Some best with others.

Some prefer to have the corner of the garden to themselves.

Some are like "Zebra-grass or Creeping Crepe Myrtle" and have to have defined boundries or they just take over...and crowd everything else out.

Many are labeled as "weeds" and intrusive and pulled or discarded. People, too.
The sames "weeds" that are revered elsewhere as flowers. Weediness being entirely subjective.

Unlike plants- we have a choice whether we break or bend. We can come in from the sun or seek warmth and shelter from the storms. Just as plants benefit from pruning or pinching back...sometimes we seem to re-double our efforts to grow after a crisis or unexpected twist or turn in our journey through life.

We are all beautiful. Whether bulbs or roses, or even common day-lilies .

We have the ability to BLOOM wherever we are planted. Root where ever we are dropped. Give others happiness as they wander through our gardens.

Just something to think about.

What kind of flower/tree/sprout or weed are you?