Saturday, March 31, 2012
We want Patience.
The problem is...we want it right this very minute...
If you are nodding, I suspect you see the irony, too.
There are days when this is all of us.
Patience...much like enlightenment is exactly like the watched pot.
"Is it boiling yet?"
An excerpt out of my favorite book on the subject reads:
"Just about every mistake I have ever made and every unkind word I have ever spoken might have been avoided if I had been more patient"
Allan Lokos
In reflection...I find this to be quite true.
The good news is that we hold the key to patience within us.
When we begin to feel the annoyance...the aura of impatience...the first thing we need is our ever-present mental stop sign.
then our Cleansing Breath...and maybe a count to five.
This is part of learning self-control...Mindfulness instead of being Reactionary.
Take the moment to reflect:
1. Is this really worth the energy I am about to expend.
2. Is my annoyance/anger/rage going to change the outcome in the slightest or just give me ulcers, wrinkles and a headache.
3. Re-frame. Is the waitress, sales-clerk or other driver having a bad day or a crisis of their own? Maybe.
4. Is there a way to learn from this experience and focus on something more positive?
5. Can I see the humor in the situation? Humor is a great diffuser.
Of course, we are human. There are always going to be moments that we lose it.
I am sure Jesus, The Buddha...Ghandi and the Dalia Lama all had/have moments of impatience. Personally...I like to envision all of them sitting around exchanging stories and bitching about their day...their followers. Try it sometime and see it if doesn't make you laugh out loud.
I like the quote made by a 93 year old professional cellist who practiced several hours every day
"I'm think I am making Progress!"
With practice (and don't we all get innumerable opportunities during the course of even a single day) maybe we can also
Make Progress
love and light,