Friday, June 29, 2012


                    "We Do Not Remember Days...We Remember Moments"   
                                                                              Cesare Pavese

In our lifetime we can count on 35,536,100 seconds each year.  An average lifespan of 80 years gives us 2,522,880,000 seconds.

Some get more.

Some get less.

We use a full third of those seconds sleeping life away.

We spend another third working or pursuing the day to day tasks of living.
 Cleaning the house or buy the groceries and such...the day to day.

These are not the moments remembered.

There is a glorious 1/3 remaining.

The First Kiss.

A Moonlight Embrace.

The Taste of Grandpa's Homemade Ice Cream or Grandma's Cobbler

The First Sight Of The Ocean.

A Lover's Smile or Words.

The Smell of His or Her Cologne.

Walking in a new snowfall.

A Grandchild's hug. 
A Kiss in the Rain.

The first gaze on the face of your Newborn.

A Cold Glass of Tea after Putting up Hay.

A Walk through a meadow strewn with wildflowers and a wildflower bouquet.

And the list is endless. These are our memories...our moments...

This morning as I was leaving in the 100 degree eye caught the sight of a tiny hummingbird "playing" in the shell-arc droplets of a sprinkler. 

Another Moment frozen in time.

Life is short.

Watch for Your Moments :)