Saturday, May 26, 2012


 The Interconnective Web that binds us all.

An effect named by Edward Lorenz, The Butterfly Effect is one of the central principles of Chaos Theory.

It reminds us that a small change at one place can result in large differences to a later state.

These days with our instant connectivity via the Internet/Trade system...our World is not only NOT an has morphed into bustling Global Village.

Certainly, we can choose to be Island-like...pretending that climate change...the falling Euro...the Middle East al...does not affect us.  But for all our closing of eyes and fingers stuck in our ears ( at the end of the day when the unseasonable heat or cold kills our crops/the raging flood or tornadoes destroy our homes/the price of everything we import rises...or gasoline reaches $5.00 a gallon there will come a time that we realize we are just another small part of the larger World, already in progress.

Or we can reach out. 

Educate ourselves.

Think Globally but Act Locally. Which is not just bumper-sticker material...but also a very good idea.

Make a small difference. Sometimes a small difference can transform a life.
Sometimes a small difference can transform many lives. 

Be a Butterfly...Flap Your Wings...Make a Difference!