Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finding Fault

In life...we often concentrate on what is wrong. What we lack or perceive to lack. The carelessness of others. Often we teach our children much like school marms of old. By brightly circling their mistakes in red...often we do the same to our friends and loved ones.

What is it about us...that makes us so quick to find fault? To point out others short-comings while conveniently ignoring our own. To feel the need to "catch" the wrong or error's of another.  Often the very same faults we have displayed.

To "Police the Universe".

Perhaps control?  Or (more likely) our feelings of a lack of control?

This may be a good time to re-read the essay on Control.

Life is too short to continually focus on the wrongs of the world.Think how wonderful life would be...and perhaps other's responses to you...if you used the bright red crayon (and maybe yellow and blue, too) to circle the rights in life. The beauty all around us. Not only in the extraordinary...but in the common place.

Seek out the beauty.

Seek out the good.

Be the love and light.

Share Happiness with others.

Practice Compassion.




And for those that persist in circling your errors in red...send them love and light, everyday...

                     For they need it the very most.