This Too Shall Pass...
And it will. It does. The sun rises again and so do we.
Sometimes...just like the old saying...when you are up to your ass in alligators i is hard to remember you are there to drain the swamp.
But it is vital to remember that this moment...no matter how painful...how chaotic...how hectic...how disorienting or maddening. This moment is just a MOMENT...and it will pass.
They ALL do.
Perhaps my most useful mantra is "Breathe"
Sometimes my mantra is "Well...this sucks." (...maybe, sometimes, that is your mantra, too...)
Mantras are important. They are a way of reminding ourselves. Centering ourselves. Some have a single one. Others, myself included, have many...sometimes a daily mantra. A way to focus on the important...the real...the necessary...the positive.
What is your mantra today?
(...it's early yet...I think mine might be coffee...)
Sending Love and Light,